Super Food Bowl

School Life, Cooking
Shigeru Tsuchiyama

The Super Food Bowl is where competitors eat to fight, and all that Momotaro High desires is to reclaim its title as champions of that tournament! Unfortunately, the Momotaro Gourmand Club is a shadow of its former self and has no hope of winning. But Kutaro Moriyama, the founder of the club, wants to change all of that. After disappearing from the Gourmand scene 15 years ago, he's back to whip Gourmand Club into shape, and he's hungry for victory! A story of male bonding and eating, Super Food Bowl is sure to be a feast for the eyes and the heart!

The Super Food Bowl is where competitors eat to fight, and all that Momotaro High desires is to reclaim its title as champions of that tournament! Unfortunately, the Momotaro Gourmand Club is a shadow of its former self and has no hope of winning. But Kutaro Moriyama, the founder of the club, wants to change all of that. After disappearing from the Gourmand scene 15 years ago, he's back to whip Gourmand Club into shape, and he's hungry for victory! A story of male bonding and eating, Super Food Bowl is sure to be a feast for the eyes and the heart!

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