Robustness: Road to Olympia

Action, Historical, Sports
Yoshiyuki Satou

A tale of two brothers from ancient Greece, Grenos and Huros, trained together in the ways of Pankration — a martial art combining boxing and wrestling — since they were old enough to walk. While still young, fate tears the two apart when their island home of Lemnos is invaded by Spartans, razing the town and killing everyone in their path...The Spartans take Huros prisoner and sell Grenos into slavery. Now, left with naught but a thirst for strength and a promise to his older brother, Grenos struggles to survive as a slave and one day reunite with Huros at the Olympic games.

A tale of two brothers from ancient Greece, Grenos and Huros, trained together in the ways of Pankration — a martial art combining boxing and wrestling — since they were old enough to walk. While still young, fate tears the two apart when their island home of Lemnos is invaded by Spartans, razing the town and killing everyone in their path...The Spartans take Huros prisoner and sell Grenos into slavery. Now, left with naught but a thirst for strength and a promise to his older brother, Grenos struggles to survive as a slave and one day reunite with Huros at the Olympic games.

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