Grendel: Prime

Action, Adventure, Horror
Matt Wagner, Patrick McEown, Greg Rucka

The world belongs to Grendel-Khan Orion Assante and his elite warrior caste of Grendels—but when Orion dies, the world is thrown back into chaos. To protect young Jupiter Assante, rightful heir to the throne, those still loyal to the Grendel-Khan must turn to a new power: the terrifying Grendel Prime! The story of Orion's cyborg paladin unfolds in War Child, Past Prime__ and ,Devil Quest— three tales that form the apotheosis of Wagner's groundbreaking, centuries-spanning epic!

The world belongs to Grendel-Khan Orion Assante and his elite warrior caste of Grendels—but when Orion dies, the world is thrown back into chaos. To protect young Jupiter Assante, rightful heir to the throne, those still loyal to the Grendel-Khan must turn to a new power: the terrifying Grendel Prime! The story of Orion's cyborg paladin unfolds in War Child, Past Prime__ and ,Devil Quest— three tales that form the apotheosis of Wagner's groundbreaking, centuries-spanning epic!

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