Adventure, Ecchi, Comedy
Sato Shoji

5 Daily Free Chapters available! From the creator of Highschool of the Dead! Bored with palace life, Prince Leo yearns to see the exciting outside world that he only knows through the thousands of books he's read. And one day, an encounter with a beguiling witch in the forest beyond his walled city inspires him to be the author of his own story. Now, adventure awaits him, but also danger, outlaws, mystery, and the infamous Black Sword.

5 Daily Free Chapters available! From the creator of Highschool of the Dead! Bored with palace life, Prince Leo yearns to see the exciting outside world that he only knows through the thousands of books he's read. And one day, an encounter with a beguiling witch in the forest beyond his walled city inspires him to be the author of his own story. Now, adventure awaits him, but also danger, outlaws, mystery, and the infamous Black Sword.

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