Edens Zero

Drama, Action, Adventure
Hiro Mashima

A young boy gazes up at the sky and sees a streaming bolt of light. The friendly, armor-clad being at his side tells him gently, “That’s a dragon.” The fact that he’s joking isn’t important. What’s important is the look of wonder on the boy’s face and the galaxy-spanning adventure that’s about to take place! Hiro Mashima (FAIRY TAIL, Rave Master) takes us to the stars for another thrilling saga!

A young boy gazes up at the sky and sees a streaming bolt of light. The friendly, armor-clad being at his side tells him gently, “That’s a dragon.” The fact that he’s joking isn’t important. What’s important is the look of wonder on the boy’s face and the galaxy-spanning adventure that’s about to take place! Hiro Mashima (FAIRY TAIL, Rave Master) takes us to the stars for another thrilling saga!

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