Witch Sister

Action, Mystery, Fantasy
Natsuki Matsuzawa

5 Daily Free Chapters available! In this universe, witch powers exist as an invisible but invincible force. ""Witch Sister"" is a tale of two siblings who are the descendants of witches. Kyoma, the older brother, is a rookie inspector who was unable to use magic, and his little sister Mikuni is a shut-in and former witchcraft school student. Together, they solve eerie and unusual cases that have been perpetrated by witch magic.

5 Daily Free Chapters available! In this universe, witch powers exist as an invisible but invincible force. ""Witch Sister"" is a tale of two siblings who are the descendants of witches. Kyoma, the older brother, is a rookie inspector who was unable to use magic, and his little sister Mikuni is a shut-in and former witchcraft school student. Together, they solve eerie and unusual cases that have been perpetrated by witch magic.

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