Swallowed by the Kotatsu

Comedy, Horror
Neruko Nichinichi

""No way! We can't get out from under the kotatsu table?!"" Four high school friends in their early thirties are having a get-together in someone's apartment. It's the first time the girls have seen each other in 10 years, so they have a lot of catching up to do. But it's the perfect night for girls' talk, snacks, and keeping toasty under a kotatsu table. As they recount memorable moments from their past, they suddenly encounter a paranormal phenomenon, turning this simple reunion into a horrible nightmare.

""No way! We can't get out from under the kotatsu table?!"" Four high school friends in their early thirties are having a get-together in someone's apartment. It's the first time the girls have seen each other in 10 years, so they have a lot of catching up to do. But it's the perfect night for girls' talk, snacks, and keeping toasty under a kotatsu table. As they recount memorable moments from their past, they suddenly encounter a paranormal phenomenon, turning this simple reunion into a horrible nightmare.

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