On Shattered Ground

Mystery, Drama, Action
MIKE Project

Set in a contemporary Kyoto where Japanese mystics known as Onmyouji exist, Akuro Kiryuu partners with his childhood friend Haruomi Karasuma to defeat demons. In the course of his duties to protect the living, he's also trying to solve the mystery of the monster who cursed and killed his family ten years ago. But when a certain strange encounter occurs, the wheel of fate begins to roll for Akuro, and a new adventure begins!

Set in a contemporary Kyoto where Japanese mystics known as Onmyouji exist, Akuro Kiryuu partners with his childhood friend Haruomi Karasuma to defeat demons. In the course of his duties to protect the living, he's also trying to solve the mystery of the monster who cursed and killed his family ten years ago. But when a certain strange encounter occurs, the wheel of fate begins to roll for Akuro, and a new adventure begins!

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