Kira-kun Today

Romance, Drama, School Life
Rin Mikimoto

For one short year, haplessly awkward, cockatiel-toting Nino has to keep watch over class joker and nextdoor neighbor, Kira-kun. Can Kira-kun—who harbors a terrible secret—find it in himself to open up and learn something new from Nino, or will she be consumed by his world? Find out in this touching tale of two fates that intertwine to become the "closest love to Heaven."

For one short year, haplessly awkward, cockatiel-toting Nino has to keep watch over class joker and nextdoor neighbor, Kira-kun. Can Kira-kun—who harbors a terrible secret—find it in himself to open up and learn something new from Nino, or will she be consumed by his world? Find out in this touching tale of two fates that intertwine to become the "closest love to Heaven."

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