Injured Innocent

Drama, Shojo, Romance
Penny Jordan, Marito Ai

4 Daily Free Chapters available! Eight years ago fifteen-year-old Lissa made a stupid mistake in an attempt to rebel, just a bit, against her strict parents. The results were disastrous. It made her parents think she was a harlot when they saw her her lying in bed with a boy. And her brother-in-law, Joel, was with them! Since then, she''s done her best to avoid him, but now Joel and Lissa have been appointed shared guardianship of their nieces after the sudden death of the girls'' parents. Seeing Joel after so long, Grace trembles at the cold, scornful look in his golden eyes.

4 Daily Free Chapters available! Eight years ago fifteen-year-old Lissa made a stupid mistake in an attempt to rebel, just a bit, against her strict parents. The results were disastrous. It made her parents think she was a harlot when they saw her her lying in bed with a boy. And her brother-in-law, Joel, was with them! Since then, she''s done her best to avoid him, but now Joel and Lissa have been appointed shared guardianship of their nieces after the sudden death of the girls'' parents. Seeing Joel after so long, Grace trembles at the cold, scornful look in his golden eyes.

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