I Will Fall In Love With My Roommate Tomorrow

Yaoi, Slice of Life
Sanba Maekawa

Tomorou Asuda should be on top of the world: His job performance couldn't get much better. But he still doesn't feel satisfied because his superior keeps telling him that it's only due to his good looks. One day, he meets this cute guy named Kyou Koizumi in a bar. When her learns about Kyou's financial struggles, Tomorou invites Kyou to stay at his house for a while. "Well, at least until you have found a job..." says Tomorou confidently. But the more they spend time together, the more Tomorou sees Kyou differently...

Tomorou Asuda should be on top of the world: His job performance couldn't get much better. But he still doesn't feel satisfied because his superior keeps telling him that it's only due to his good looks. One day, he meets this cute guy named Kyou Koizumi in a bar. When her learns about Kyou's financial struggles, Tomorou invites Kyou to stay at his house for a while. "Well, at least until you have found a job..." says Tomorou confidently. But the more they spend time together, the more Tomorou sees Kyou differently...

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