How I Lost My Large Intestine

Slice of Life, Comedy
Shimabukuro Zenyu

There once was an island south of Okinawa that had a perfect blue sky and a crystal-clear sea. And on this island, a girl name Yu was born. Yu aspired to make manga and live off her royalties in a hi-rise in the big city. But she suddenly got sick. Really sick. Will this incurable disease rob her of her dream? Why, of course not! If it had, then this manga wouldn't exist! Japan's first gag manga about a mangaka's real experience with illness is here!

There once was an island south of Okinawa that had a perfect blue sky and a crystal-clear sea. And on this island, a girl name Yu was born. Yu aspired to make manga and live off her royalties in a hi-rise in the big city. But she suddenly got sick. Really sick. Will this incurable disease rob her of her dream? Why, of course not! If it had, then this manga wouldn't exist! Japan's first gag manga about a mangaka's real experience with illness is here!

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