Ghost Story Loop

Horror, Mystery, Supernatural
Jun Yagi, Tsunami Kato

Azusa Yuunami doesn’t believe in ghosts or curses – but she’s more than willing to photograph supposedly haunted locations for her brother’s website collecting local spooky folklore, as long as he keeps bribing her with sweets. A fateful visit to an abandoned well, however, lands her right in the middle of her own terrifying ghost story. Azusa's only hope is a strange exorcist who has seen the fate that awaits her if she can't get rid of the curse that has been placed upon her.

Azusa Yuunami doesn’t believe in ghosts or curses – but she’s more than willing to photograph supposedly haunted locations for her brother’s website collecting local spooky folklore, as long as he keeps bribing her with sweets. A fateful visit to an abandoned well, however, lands her right in the middle of her own terrifying ghost story. Azusa's only hope is a strange exorcist who has seen the fate that awaits her if she can't get rid of the curse that has been placed upon her.

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