Cage of Eden

Action, Romance, Adventure
Yoshinobu Yamada

Anger and action abound after Akira Sengoku and his classmates crashland on a deserted island while flying home from a class trip. The island doesn't exist on any maps but that's not even the strangest part: the animals they find on the island are prehistoric beasts that are supposed to have been extinct for thousands of years! Now Akira and his friends are in danger as the island's residents start eyeing the humans for their next meal. Will they ever solve the mystery of the island and find their way home

Anger and action abound after Akira Sengoku and his classmates crashland on a deserted island while flying home from a class trip. The island doesn't exist on any maps but that's not even the strangest part: the animals they find on the island are prehistoric beasts that are supposed to have been extinct for thousands of years! Now Akira and his friends are in danger as the island's residents start eyeing the humans for their next meal. Will they ever solve the mystery of the island and find their way home

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