Black Panther and Sweet 16

Comedy, Drama, Mature
Pedoro Toriumi

Taiga, a teenage girl with a complex about her aggressive nature, lends a drink to a boy she finds passed out from starvation, but he ends up stealing a kiss! Then, after she transfers to a new school, that boy, Anri Iseya, comes up to her and declares, “I’ll be yer pet....?!" This dangerous mission between a black beast and a strong-willed 16-year-old begins now!

Taiga, a teenage girl with a complex about her aggressive nature, lends a drink to a boy she finds passed out from starvation, but he ends up stealing a kiss! Then, after she transfers to a new school, that boy, Anri Iseya, comes up to her and declares, “I’ll be yer pet....?!" This dangerous mission between a black beast and a strong-willed 16-year-old begins now!

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