Belial Lady

Action, Sci-Fi, Horror

In 2020, a meteor struck Japan, and shortly after, strange creatures began to appear throughout the land. This forced the people of Japan to leave their country, and J-Pop stars must now compete with Hollywood to stay relevant. Karen Hiragi used to be one of these stars, and she wants to regain her fame. But now she has a chance to rise to stardom once more—by donning an experimental battle suit and entering the danger zone!

In 2020, a meteor struck Japan, and shortly after, strange creatures began to appear throughout the land. This forced the people of Japan to leave their country, and J-Pop stars must now compete with Hollywood to stay relevant. Karen Hiragi used to be one of these stars, and she wants to regain her fame. But now she has a chance to rise to stardom once more—by donning an experimental battle suit and entering the danger zone!

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