
A team-up made in manga heaven! The wildly popular Monogatari novel series by renowned bestselling author NISIOISIN has now been reimagined into a knockout manga adapation by none other than legendary artist Oh!Great (Tenjo Tenghe, Air Gear)! One day, high-school student Koyomi Araragi catches a girl named Hitagi Senjougahara when she trips. But—much to his surprise—she doesn’t weigh anything. At all. She says an encounter with a so-called “crab” took away all her weight … Monsters have been here since the beginning. Always. Everywhere.

A team-up made in manga heaven! The wildly popular Monogatari novel series by renowned bestselling author NISIOISIN has now been reimagined into a knockout manga adapation by none other than legendary artist Oh!Great (Tenjo Tenghe, Air Gear)! One day, high-school student Koyomi Araragi catches a girl named Hitagi Senjougahara when she trips. But—much to his surprise—she doesn’t weigh anything. At all. She says an encounter with a so-called “crab” took away all her weight … Monsters have been here since the beginning. Always. Everywhere.

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