A Transparent Fever

Romance, Drama
Tsunami Minatsuki

You know when people are all like, "I love him so much, I can barely stand it?" I never really understood how people can get all intense like that. Is that what love is about? I don't think I've ever felt like that, so that's why I never really gave it much thought when a boy in my class invited me out. But when he began to talk about a girl he liked, something felt different… Could this be what love feels like?

You know when people are all like, "I love him so much, I can barely stand it?" I never really understood how people can get all intense like that. Is that what love is about? I don't think I've ever felt like that, so that's why I never really gave it much thought when a boy in my class invited me out. But when he began to talk about a girl he liked, something felt different… Could this be what love feels like?

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