A Man With A Thousand Skills

Action, Adventure, Romance
Bunsaburo Nagano, Daikon Shibuya

Hinoharu Kota is newly married but his wife is never home. Bored, Kota imagines being on a relaxing ski trip to clear his mind. In his "dream" everything goes sideways. Still dreaming, Kota walks through a couple of doorways to shockingly find himself springing into action to save a female knight from a giant spider. Kota discovers he was "summoned" to this other world as something known as a summon beast, a helper that can be transported from his earth to other realms. As he completes these summoned missions as a summon beast, he can gain magical powers and abilities. As a man without any special skills on his own earth, this might be the best thing that has ever happened to him.

Hinoharu Kota is newly married but his wife is never home. Bored, Kota imagines being on a relaxing ski trip to clear his mind. In his "dream" everything goes sideways. Still dreaming, Kota walks through a couple of doorways to shockingly find himself springing into action to save a female knight from a giant spider. Kota discovers he was "summoned" to this other world as something known as a summon beast, a helper that can be transported from his earth to other realms. As he completes these summoned missions as a summon beast, he can gain magical powers and abilities. As a man without any special skills on his own earth, this might be the best thing that has ever happened to him.

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